Music Video Theory for Question 1a & b

1. Andrew Goodwin, "Dancing in the Distraction Factory" (1993)

Quotation from Andrew Goodwin: "Music videos are simply an extension of the lyrics."

Goodwin's theory intro and tasks from Naamah Hill

Also see this good example of Goodwin's theories in practice at:

Genre as a concept is complicated. See textbook p35: Should we read genre as a noun or an adjective? Mark Reid (2001) asks the challenging and critical question: "How something is categorised is determined by who does it, for whom, where, and when. The same is true for films" (and, in our case, for music videos).
Reid uses the example of tomato puree, suggesting we ask the philosophical question: what would happen to this item if it were shelved in another part of the shop? Would the 'thing' itself be any different? You could use Reid's quotation at the beginning of your essay, then move on to how your own work fits into Reid's categories of 'who, for whom, where and when'.

"Genre is a type" (Chandler, 2001) (see theory page)

David Buckingham, Professor of Communication and Media Studies at Loughborough University, argues that 'genre is not... simply "given" by the culture: rather, it is in a constant process of negotiation and change' (Buckingham 1993, 137).

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